We’ve assembled a list of organizations and services that are dedicated to assisting the LGBTQ community and its allies.
If you need immediate help or would like to talk to an understanding person about your situation, please use these resources to reach someone right now.
Local and national organizations that work to improve the well-being of the LGBTQ community and their allies.
If you need help identifying your rights and finding how to fight for them.
If you're in a situation where you need medical advice, assistance or a more understanding situation please see these resources.
Resources for those who are or have family members affected by HIV and AIDs.
Read about positive experiences that community members have had in and around Morgantown.
Clothing and tailoring stores
Gyms and exercise classes
Hair stylists and beauty parlors
Home repair and housing
We're collecting positive LGBTQ experiences at local businesses, so that others know which places are accepting and safe to go to. Please help us add to our list above!
Note: We’re focusing on the positive in this initiative and growing a supportive knowledge base. Although negative experiences do happen and are valid, please try to share your experiences that have been good so that we can support those businesses and each other.